Rush Limbaugh: Rioting the New Normal Under First Black President


Rush Limbaugh has made an acute observation about our first black president Barack Obama.   It is something many of us have secretly come to realize but it is Rush who has made us all more aware of.  That “something” we now know is that riots (as we are seeing again, this time in Charlotte NC)  have become frequent and normal under Barack Obama’s watch.   Read the complete details about what Rush has said about this here.

 Is it a coincidence or purposeful?

Obama has allowed and do I  dare say, he has incited the violence we see around the country.   Generally speaking he doesn’t come out to condemn criminal behavior as one would expect from a president.  And more often than not, he doesn’t even come out to support law enforcement.  In fact, what we see is Mr. Obama rallying his minions (Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and others) coming to aid those who oppose law enforcement.    Sure Mr. Obama may call for calm during a riot but will he outright condemn the lawlessness we see against the police and lead the fight to restoring order?  We have seen eight years of Obama and the world is growing increasingly violent despite what he may say to the contrary.   In the meantime we will wait for him to speak out and oppose criminals who seek to destroy this country.    Something tells me this may never happen.

Related Interest

Here is Rush reiterating how Obama and Hillary want riots


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