Why you should not buy an Oculus Rift anymore

Coming soon Oculus Rift the VR headset from Oculus VR will require a Facebook account. Although I left FakeBoo….er…..Facebook years ago……I am urging people to leave Facebook and abandon Oculus Rift entirely. (By the way there is an alternative to Facebook called USA.Life. At USA.life you will not be silenced if you love God and/or support the President)

Why is Facebook doing this?

Why do you think Oculus Rift is going to require a Facebook linked account to use it? We can’t know all of the reasons….but I believe one reason is because Facebook spying on it’s users. And at its core Facebook developer’s do not love God, His Word, or support the current POTUS. Unless one has been living in a cave without the internet, Radio or TV, it’s clear that Mr. Trump is pro life and a staunch supporter of law enforcement, Israel and has been a public defender of Christians and Jews alike. Facebook backers however, along with many other left-wing media outlets, probably know this more then the average citizen. President Trump’s views simply don’t jive with theirs. And of course they won’t when you advocate for the murder of babies through open support of the Democrat party. Or how about their support for violence against police and law abiding citizens as seen in there defense for the riots in major Democrat controlled cities across the country. And let us not forget about their attempt at hiding their support for the abuse of women through their defense of Islam and the adult entertainment industry. And we cannot forget about their hate speech aimed at hurting the President and his supporters. It’s no secret that conservatives and Christians are banned on the site. And just how much does Facebook employees, members, and family members support the Democrat Party? See for yourself.

Don’t be next

So why should any support this type of platform or product? Answer. They shouldn’t. If everyone left Facebook, and all of us never bought an Oculus Rift tomorrow, Facebook would need to rethink a few things. But until that happens, Facebook will continue to lure the unsuspecting into it’s devious grasp of control. Will you be next?

Oculus owners will need a Facebook account, and many aren’t happy


Oculus VR headsets will soon require Facebook accounts

USA.life alternative to Facebook

Watch what eternal hope looks like (fullyfreefilms.com)

Image source: pixabay

Why I Left Facebook


Facebook Routine

For many people in life, connecting to people is essential to their well-being and Facebook is a big part of that sense of well-being.  Facebook is a routine like brushing ones teeth on a daily basis.  For me it was no different. A year ago I was so close to my Facebook and friends from other places (many of whom I did not know or know very well) that it began to become a problem.  You ask how so? How could connecting with a friend be a problem?  And to answer that question we must know why I left Facebook.

How do you compare?

As most people who use Facebook already know, the application lets the user “share” pictures, videos, ideas, projects, opinions and basically their life (if they so choose) with anyone else who is allowed to become a “friend”.  (Anyone can become a friend which I also find kind of ironic because if you have never met someone in real life or even know them, how are they really a friend?)

Now I used Facebook in all the many popular ways of sharing this and that but the trouble started when I began to compare my life with other people’s lives.  In an attempt to minimize some comparing however, I would avoid viewing the “news” feeds from some people while viewing only the ones I cared about.  But in the end I was still feeling dissatisfied.  For me Facebook was like that. Using Facebook was an exercise in dissatisfaction because other people where doing things and making things go and enjoying life while I was just……there I go comparing again. And Facebook made it easy. Facebook not only made it easy to compare but it also made it feel okay.  Now as a Christian I should know better.

Facebook Bias and Censorship

Facebook has been known to favor the left in America.  They are not favorable to Christians or Conservatives either.  Their philosophy simply rubs me the wrong way and besides it’s wrong.  It’s just another reason I don’t want to use Facebook.  In fact, Rush Limbaugh has recently offered to explain conservatism to Mark Zuckerberg. Read it here.


Censorship of Republicans

Censorship of Republicans is becoming normal for Facebook.  On YouTube PragerU has already been censored for educating people on realities and basic truths of life.  But recently Facebook took aim at Republican Elizabeth Heng. See for yourself how Facebook seeks to suppress certain information while it promotes sinful lifestyles and God haters on the left.  And then there’s the request for exemptions by big media.



Did I mention the gossip aspect of Facebook?  In my opinion Facebook is a breeding ground for gossip whether it’s about truth or lies, gossip is everywhere on Facebook.  Since each user of Facebook is at liberty to post nearly anything that comes to mind, it’s anyone’s guess what might be said.  And when whatever it may be (good or bad) is said and is posted publicly, potentially hundreds of people (and probably more) have instantaneous knowledge of those intricate details. This information can be anything, whether it’s personal, funny, disgusting or sensitive, it’s all apparently fair game on Facebook.  And whatever it maybe that’s said or posted, everyone who’s a friend of a friend of a friend (of a friend) now knows.  I think you get my point. Sometimes this knowledge is helpful while other times it may do more damage than help.  And so my belief has been that if a person is not able to face the person and say it, then it probably shouldn’t be said on Facebook, especially if it’s not private.  And let us not neglect to mention what people post about themselves.  On Facebook it would seem just about anything goes and we all their to see it (or read it).  And so to avoid being caught up in any Facebook frenzies over words and pictures, I decided it was best for me to leave Facebook–before I said something publicly I might regret.  (That is why I post it on a blog……heh heh)


Of course Facebook doesn’t have to be all about comparing ones life with another or sharing our lives publicly but I have since learned there is also an addiction aspect.  Personally I did not like the feeling I having each day that I must know what others are doing, saying, posting or thinking at any given moment and that they would gladly share it with everyone!  Pieces of their lives (and my own) were showing up in the “news” feed 24 hours a day.  It’s true, I am for the most part a private person but with Facebook, I felt the constant urge to tell all those “friends” what I think.  After all, they posted what they posted because they wanted my response, right? Here’s the best part. If your post is cute, disgusting, awesome, stupid or clever enough it might even get a like and a re-post! The cycle of feeling the need to know and feeling the need to share opinions and pictures never ends on Facebook.  And so after one year of feeling stuck inside the Facebook hamster wheel I finally made the plunge to leave Facebook for good (hopefully).

Now I beg someone to hit me over the head with a large brick if I ever join Facebook again. (not really….just use a board)


If you enjoyed this post, please like and comment below!  Oh, wait.  This isn’t Facebook but feel free to comment anyways.


Next, find out why I left Twitter!


Limbaugh: “Journalists and Scholars” Want Exemption from Facebook Fake News Rules

Rush Limbaugh Makes Offer to Facebook’s Zuckerberg, Execs

There is hope

Watch it! What Hope Looks Like!

Audacity Movie



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